Denial is the biggest block to human evolution
I once asked this question:
“Why does it take a humanitarian crisis of cataclysmic proportions, such as 9/11, before people finally drop all their nonsense and focus on what matters in life? Love. Humanity.”
And I received this answer:
“Catastrophes shall continue to befall humanity, until such time as humanity has learned to love without a catastrophe.”
I realized that the level of cruelty being visited upon humanity will continue to intensify, until the level of suffering and cruelty visited upon humanity has finally woken the masses up and made them realize that government is not their friend, and they need to take their lives into their own hands.
As I watch witness testimonies about the fires of 8/8 in Lahaina, Maui, I am seeing 9/11 all over again. Same modus operandi, different agenda. I can see that many of the people on Maui still believed in and trusted in the benevolence of their government and the systems put in place by the government.
The similarities between all of the “coincidences” prior to 9/11 and all of the “coincidences” prior to, during and now after the fires of 8/8 are striking and undeniable. All of those “coincidences” were what enabled the cruel tragedies to occur. One of the witnesses I watched from Lahaina described the fires very accurately as a “choreographed disaster.”
Unfortunately, it is highly likely that among those people on Maui are those who, even now, would still scoff at the idea that 9/11 was also a choreographed disaster. Although many of them would still probably call me a tin-foil-hat-wearing conspiracy theorist, it is easy to have compassion for them, because their suffering is late and intense, and the truth embedded in that suffering has only just begun to dawn upon them. It is devastating to watch this unfold.
We Must Accept Every Experience As It Comes To Us
Unfortunately, the idea of externalizing grievances and resisting our external experiences to effect change (i.e. activism) is a lie that was embedded in the collective mind of humanity from Sumerian times. Back then, and as is so clearly illustrated in the book of Exodus in the Bible, humans were at the mercy of violent and powerful forces beyond their control. They were forced to ingratiate themselves to their gods in order to avoid the wrath of those beings more powerful than they. This is why the belief in externalizing grievances is so deeply embedded within the human psyche.
Today the spirit of those Sumerian gods has reincarnated into the body of national and state-level governments and global power clusters, such as the UN, WHO, WEF, etc. The dynamics between the people and these authorities is still the same as it was between the Sumerian gods and their slaves. The Sumerian gods glorified themselves as the protectors and punishers of the peoples they ruled over. Their slaves had to appeal externally to their gods for mercy and for understanding, in the hopes of avoiding suffering at their hands. This is how the rote of externalized activism and resistance got embedded in us as the way to effect change and stop our suffering, when, in fact, the truth about how experience and reality is created is the polar opposite.
I will apply the idea of autopoiesis to show why and how acceptance, and not denial of or resistance to our experiences is the only way to change our experiences for the better.
Only through acceptance can you gain dominion over your experience
The only way there is for us to gain any control over the experiences we have, the only way for us to participate consciously in creating our reality, is through accepting what we are experiencing and not meeting it with resistance. Here’s why:
Resistance is a form of denial. As long as you deny or resist an unpleasant or uncomfortable truth of your reality,
- you will always be a victim of it. You will experience it in increasingly painful ways until you accept it. It will eventually force you to accept it by torturing you until you let go of your resistance to it.
- you can never gain personal dominion over what you deny exists.
- any apparent gains you may make from efforts to free yourself from the truth you deny will be short-lived, because that truth you deny will surface elsewhere, because you will back-slide into fears associated with that denied truth.
The above refers to a hindering of an evolutionary process called autopoiesis, whereby organisms, for example, cells, evolve themselves by allowing a flow in and a flow out from the environment in which they live. Cell walls are the cell’s interface with the cell environment, and the environment and the cell exist in a dynamic, interactive relationship where they affect and change one another. The cell’s wall is thus permeable to its environment, and it is this permeability that flows feedback into the cell and allows it to evolve itself based on that feedback.
The beauty about the nature of our world, is that everything in it functions basically in the same way, just on different scales and levels—systems are nested within systems. In other words, I can apply the idea of autopoiesis to the evolution of the human psyche, just as autopoiesis works in the evolution of a cell.
A human is like a cell. The human has an interface with its environment, just like the cell has an interface with its environment. Like the cell and its environment, there is also a dynamic interchange between the human and its environment. That interchange is what enables the human to evolve. The problem with humans is that the human’s resistance to accepting the feedback from its environment makes evolution and improving experience impossible. It would be equivalent to a cell blocking out the feedback from its environment and stopping its own possibility to evolve and improve its own circumstances. This is exactly what the human reaction of denial, of resisting and of fighting things does.
In summary, acceptance is what enables our evolution as individuals, because you cannot gain dominion over what you deny exists. Only your own psycho-spiritual evolution will deliver you from your suffering. And when this practice and principle becomes widely accepted as fact, the whole collective will evolve beyond tyranny.