The numbers have been with us since the CAVE !
There are many experts and discussions regarding geometry and numbers.
Many of which has NO ending, but all a repetition of one and other.
I have been given the significance of the numbers, a universal code.
I have come to understand many ancient writings and can explain many of them.
One most important of these writings is the Emerald Tablets.
It is written in there that the chosen ones will know and feel the vibration of my words.
Further it is written that it is a must to learn the numbers and the symbols
Till this day that in fact NO one has come forward with a TRUE explanation for these writings.
Granted there seem to be many versions, but the only TRUE one is the translation by DOREAL, at there you can also read the meaning of the 12 pyramids of creation, which NO one talks about.
No one has seen the similarities in the emerald Tablets and the book of the DEAD, Hermetica, or the writing on the Sumerian Tablets.
All tell the same stories but are different interpretations as they where all written in different times.
One has to come to understand that ancient tribes around the world did indeed have knowledge of these numbers.
NO one seems to grasp that when something is a KNOWN there is is no need to write !
But yet humanity seems to have a need to find all in writing in order to believe ?
Most experts will translate all findings and artifacts with their current mindset !
Therefor many artifacts are seen as gods, places of worship, weapons and or sex toy’s as i have seen many times .
All because of the current human mindset !
Because of all this even the Pyramids are given a false conclusion as what they really are and their ancient function.
It is very clear to me that the current narrative must be held at all cost, as when TRUTH is told all will fall apart !
I am but a messenger
I am no writer
But I SEE and I KNOW !
I have been given many secrets of these Pyramids and the history of humanity and am about to embark on a journey to uncover these all for the world to see .
For now i will leave you with the numbers .
Thank you