unwitting_labrat After record global public views, participation, exposures via Thrivemovement.com, etc., the dearth of participation on this site could be troublesome, or beyond. Has this site been infiltrated, are people afraid, poisoned, or ….?
Shawn Tierney And yet a hundred other moments have risen up around the USA, and I’m sure one day they will come to know those who cleared the path ahead of them! Thrive on!
unwitting_labrat Shawn, I completely agree with you and do not have to explain why. I have spent uncountable hours working toward the same goal. At this point in time, I have great doubts about a reversal of the masters’ evil. It is amazingly easy to take control of minds, even without the aid of screens and monitors. We have reached reached the end of total control of truthful information flow. The military establishments have achieved the impossible, shooting down UFOs and reconstruct them. And probably are using them to further their agenda. Then there is the explosion of AI , from almost out of nowhere…. Worst of all are the poisons already baked into the global cake; its continents and oceans, and into all people and their progeny. I have observed trees and other plants dying since before the onset of destructive weather patterns. Some are not able to take up enough nutrients because of aluminum in the ground. Plus possibly many thousands of other chemicals, the synergism of which can produce much greater effects than any single substance.