It is people like you that are the reason we are where we are. Our governments have never been our friends, have never worked for us or our best interests. Hitler wanted to get rid of the Jews, Slavs, Gypsies, Blacks, and now they want the same but even worse now they want to get rid of billions. We cannot work with governments or be any part of them. We must get rid of them before they get rid of us. It is that simple. We believe in the non-aggression principle and we believe in the rule of law and God’s laws.
Do you know what agenda 2030 is? Where have you been these past three years? Is it not obvious to you that our governments are committing genocide? They are murdering people by the millions. You still want them in control and in charge??????
People like you are on their side not on ours.
Do you know any history? Are you capable of reasoning? We are capable of greatness. We have accomplished much and are capable of much more. It is evil and greedy people who have always undermined us and it is obvious that Satan has influenced people and misled them greatly.
Foster has written about what would go away if government would go away and I added a couple of things.
Wars of aggression, attack on our children and children’s health, genocide, medical treatments that only benefit pharmaceuticals at the expense of our health and our lives, subsidies, bailouts, monopolies — on force and money, unsound currency, fractional reserve lending, taxes, partisan politics, lobbyists, control of politics through social media censorship, rigged elections, executive orders, signing statements, pedophilia-based blackmail of politicians, immigration issues, eminent domain, sovereign immunity, pharmaceutical immunity against lawsuits for vaccine injuries, corporate personhood, protection of polluters, emergency powers, mass surveillance, violation of informed consent, mandatory vaccination, police state, stop and frisk, military draft, military industrial complex, suppression of indigenous people, suppression of free energy, suppression of inventions to benefit mankind, continual polluting of our environment, water, air, food.
We put the government in place to serve us not govern us and certainly not to rule over us in tyranny. We pay them but that is not enough for them. They sell themselves to pharmaceuticals and other industries that poison us and murder us by the billions over time.
I have years and hundreds of years and thousands of years of fact about our masters over us in slavery. What do you have that would support your theory of our folly to be without governments?
What are you doing here among those of us who believe that we can not only survive but thrive?
Have you seen Thrive and Thrive II?
What did you learn from those films if anything?
Before writing books I would ask myself what have I learned worth sharing?
I will share a scripture with you that most people would agree with.
THE course of history confirms the truth of Ecclesiastes 8:9: “Man has dominated man to his injury.”
We were meant to listen to God and to obey his laws. We were not meant to be dominated by man.
As long as we obey his laws or the rule of law and implement it that is all we need, because it is a society’s laws that govern us not people, not politicians and not governments.