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Dear friends,
Long ago I became interested in learning what I could about network marketing. One thing I remember is the power of recruiting. They used this very simple but very powerful method. You would call up a friend and tell them that you became interested in something and want and need their thoughts. Could they spare you a couple of minutes and usually your friend would say yes. You would then tell them what you became interested in and why and especially the leader of that company or as in this case the creator of the documentary Thrive I and II and the key message of those II documentaries is a government free society. Foster is looking for key people to be not only advocates but recruiters and I suggested that you would be great. Would you like to meet Foster? Imagine being part of this great journey. Of course you don’t have to decide right now but may I count on you to look into it? Have you seen Thrive I and II? Here is what a government free society would look like;
What Goes Away If Government Goes Away?
Wars of aggression, attack on our children and children’s health, genocide, medical treatments that only benefit pharmaceuticals at the expense of our health and our lives, subsidies, bailouts, monopolies — on force and money, unsound currency, fractional reserve lending, taxes, partisan politics, lobbyists, control of politics through social media censorship, rigged elections, executive orders, signing statements, pedophilia-based blackmail of politicians, immigration issues, eminent domain, sovereign immunity, pharmaceutical immunity against lawsuits for vaccine injuries, corporate personhood, protection of polluters, emergency powers, mass surveillance, violation of informed consent, mandatory vaccination, police state, stop and frisk, military draft, military industrial complex, suppression of indigenous people, suppression of free energy, suppression of inventions to benefit mankind, continual polluting of our environment, water, air, food. Handing over our sovereignty to WHO, the UN and WEF. Allowing them to take all we own our homes, our bank accounts, our land, our futures and our children’s futures.
We need people like you to get this message out and to recruit great leaders and recruiters. I know that you will want to give this some serious thought. May I count on you to do that not only for me but for your loved ones?
Do we not all want a government free society based on the non-aggression principle?