I have always hated injustice since I was a child when I would think that something was “unfair”. Now, at this present moment injustices abound locally, nationally, and internationally. Some nights I cannot sleep because of this. Imprisoning Julian Assange without a trial, for revealing the crimes against humanity the US government perpetrates through its military is like having to live with a bully who constantly treats everyone cruelly and violently. This is not new. John Brown’s insurrection in 1859 against the institution of slavery serves as an example of how the government will deal with any threat to their authority. The killings of Black Panther activists by the FBI was another instance of the government exhibiting their power over anyone who is fed up with their atrocities. And there are many more examples.
Recently, I was in San Cristobal, Mexico and walking down the street one night I witnessed a man with no arms or legs along the curb begging for money. People just walked by as though this was acceptable. As long as people are willing to accept the unacceptable we all will be subjected to the inhumanity of the controlling forces.
The insane, obscene military budget that every representative votes for every year is totally unacceptable. We need to rid ourselves of politicians and political parties. This can be done if government is restructured from vertical to horizontal ( This is government by and for the people, using assemblies.
I could list “unacceptables” forever it seems, so I will stop here.
I agree with Foster that we would be better off without a “state”. Autonomous zones that could be confederated with an agreed upon social contract would be preferable, as in Rojava, Syria and the Zapatistas in Chiapas, Mexico.
A healthy society is dependent on a healthy populace. But everyone has been traumatized and propagandized by the murderous controllers. We need a citizenry that believes in unconditional love for all of mankind if we are ever going to get beyond the “might makes right” mentality, the law of the jungle, that is the history of humanity for at least the last 5000 years. This seems impossible to achieve, but our very existence seems impossible. We must confront what seems impossible if we are ever going to merit living in this divine paradise that we call Earth.