I’ve believed for a long time that the fair way to “run” the world is if we are all equally “president”. We need to vote globally on issues that concern us globally and locally for local issues. So I was very happy to see what Foster said.
I’d so much rather put our fate in the hands of the goodness of humanity rather than the corrupt greedy mafia globalist types. Of course the voting I mentioned would create some jobs too because the vote would be counted by us not machines.
Would people vote in favor of having wars that could escalate into a nuclear nightmare? HELL NO. Would two people arm wrestle to find out who is right about an issue? No that just shows who happens to have a stronger arm. That is the same kind of logic that wars are based on. So whoever’s military is stronger gets their way??!? Much money is to be made by the globalists and banksters from creating wars. It’s a bunch of immature brats who are running things and they do anything BUT represent the people.
Because it is largely not doable to leave our jobs to go to D.C. I think we need to go to our local representatives and ask if they truly want to represent the people. Of course they’d say yes and then we tell them that we want to start having voting on our local issues directly not just voting on a politician who often does not represent the people. So maybe a first issue could be the fluoride in the water. Those organizing this would have to say to the people that in order to be a responsible voter they have to educate themselves on the issue (like the true souce of thie fluoride for instance and the harm it does. We would provide sources for them.
We should video the initial meeting with the local “representatives” and hopefully these vidos would go viral and others would start doing this all over the world.
We could vote to know everything about the damn georngineering that happens over “their” jurisdiction as well as globally. I mean really HOW DARE SOME PEOPLE ACT AS IF THEY OWN THE SKY? How have we let them get away with this kind of thing for so long? We SO outnumber them and their militaries. I think some or many people in government or the military would be happy to see humanity finally figure a way out of this mess because they probably don’t want a digital slavery world for their children either. It may be that this simple answer really is the solution. I don’t have much faith it elections and court cases so this seems like the the best answer to me. The FAIR way.