• Questions for Foster
  • Fireside Live: Questions for March 23, 2024

I had been making donations when I can to the RFK, Jr. campaign. While I don’t expect to agree with any candidate on every single topic, his silence regarding the ongoing genocide in Gaza is deeply disturbing. Since Foster and Kimberly know him, does Foster have any insight on this?

Thank you,


Please disregard my question from an hour ago. I’m still going through the recording of the February Fireside Live and see now that the question has been answered.

Rob Leslie I have come across information about off planet entities who have demonstrated they can disable our nuclear weapons. According to my sources, these off planet entities will not allow man to deploy nuclear weapons, not only for our survival, but for theirs as well, as this affects them too. Have you been following this? Many thanks.

Here’s a conundrum that deserves more publicity.  If I understand correctly, Modern Monetary Theory proposes that there is no reason why money cannot be printed forever, to pay the debts of the U.S. government.  Even though this continuously creates exponentially more interest, there is no reason why this should not continue forever!  The debt always grows, but so what? it can always be paid by printing even more, right?

If this is indeed what MMT amounts to — that  whenever the government needs more money, it can simply print more — and if this is really the official theory, then the question naturally arises, WHY DO WE NEED TO PAY TAXES?

Russell Wells

I had heard from a few different sources about a mass exodus of CEOs from large corporations in 2019 (right before the Plandemic) - I think the number was 1700. Does Foster have information or ideas on why this happened? Did these CEOs get a memo? From whom? Has anyone come forward who saw “the memo”? Wouldn’t this be a real smoking gun showing they were in on Covid? Many thanks!

9 days later

How we. the Thrive community, can help get RFK Jr. on the ballot in California and around the country.

Unrelated to the topic, nevertheless a burning question. I adore Leandrew and tremendously admire Foster and Kimberley. I need to know why the Sidekick AI with gender assignment and personality and alluring appearance is not a step toward full absorption of Our Humanity into “the machine”. Please tell me! The presentation [by my friend Leandrew and hailed by Foster] is “irresistible”. He is sure to be an overnight success. I’m happy for him and at the same time, I feel Our Human creativity is at grave risk. I am a writer, and I feel the joy of my Divine connection and beingness when in the creative process. Please, please help me understand how and why this giant step into AI interface is not surrendering to a logical conclusion of eventual servitude… to AI. I am not anti-tech, and use tech as a valuable TOOL! It is the disarming personification of AI that morphs it into something other than a tool. I need to know your thought process on this. If… AI itself… was spawned by dark controllers for their own benefit, then how is this Sidekick version not contaminated with those not-yet-discerned-or-realized nuances? Please, HOW is this DIFFERENT ?? By way of solution, perhaps there could be a “disclaimer” or “a who We really are as Humans pivotal teaching opportunity” included in this rollout. Please address !!! Thank you!!! Asking in great concern, love, and respect for the entire Thrive Team, Leah L.

Rob Leslie

How would free energy and a stateless society deal with the effects of what has – and still is – poisoning our skies and earth with the geoengineering via chem trails and contrails?

Rob Leslie unstickied the discussion .