• The Problem
  • Level 10: Conscious of Universal Harmony

I am for promoting level 10 consciousness.  

I have spent 48 years believing that the foundation and dynamic of the Universe and Knowledge are knowable.  Those many years ago, I found the basic principle of LOGOS, universal order.

It is simply dividing everything by 2 - otherwise stated the powers of 2, or the binomial expansion of (a2 + b2)n  underlie the hierarchy of consciousness and existence.  This is also the basis for standing waves, that set powers of 2 to produce the harmonic scales.

 The most fundamental truths are hidden in plain sight.

For years, I prayed that I wasn’t a fool for attempting this effort to comprehend knowledge. With patience and persistence, after eight years, the pieces fell into place.  I proudly view the result of a 20,000 word categorical, logical, geometrical and dynamic, integrated knowledge ontology.  (Realize that categories encompass classes, variations and instances.)  This means that Knowledge works as a coherently associated system, when comprehensively aligned in all areas of human experience and endeavor.

 This revelation is a game changer and industry innovator for humanity.  It puts every independent, productive and conscientious person on the same collaborative page around the globe and eventually beyond.  Many unprecedented technologies arise from this essential relations ontological system of unified knowledge.

 Another awakening result of understanding knowledge and its inherent technology, is that knowledge defines human nature.  The categories of human nature are Intention, Cognition, Rationality, and Realization.   These same categories are the primary categories of knowledge.  All other knowledge categories are encompassed by these four categories. 

Collective consciousness is the sum total of all minds in morphogenic combination.  Humanity’s place in the Universe is to adapt and apply the Laws of Nature and the Universe in humanitarian ways for Justice, Liberty and Equality – the most essential criteria for security, prosperity and spirituality. 

The Universe is a self-organizing vibrant system of conformal, concentric, harmonic octaves ordered by the powers of two.  The Universe performs as a classical symphonic orchestra.  It operates similar to a complex composition, of many different musical instruments and voices, blending harmonically to establish a unified holistic reality.   The Universe provides a benevolent, nurturing context for humanity, knowledge, minds, conscious, and nature.  It is all coherently connected from Planck length to galactic super cluster scale.  The Universe regenerates and continues to eternally rebalance itself.

 The Universe is not something that evolves out of nowhere in a big bang and goes with increasing acceleration to oblivion in the vastness of time and space.  Unfortunately, the Big Bang, gas-lighting of astrophysicists, has not been confronted, rejected and replaced with the Unified Knowledge Worldview of Concentric Conformal Cyclic Cosmology.  Although changing times are contentious, it is time to stop raising Hell and instead time to bring Heaven down to Earth.

The Universe regenerates and so does the individual mind, body and soul.  However, volition (free will ) is a crucial part of human life.  Volition endows individuals with a conscience, with the ability to choose what is right and good and to act accordingly.

Every individual shares in the sacred and awesome responsibility to get it right, in motive, judgment, and action.

Individuals are responsible to determine their character values.  The first of which is to choose the value of self-esteem and the virtue of pride (honor). Conscientious individuals value reverence, trust, heart and vitality.

Our civilization has been burdened by suppression of the ideal of rational self interest. The false value of self-sacrifice has been the standard ethical teaching.  Too often individuals are shamed for desiring to mature into a fully self-determined, self-disciplined, self-reliant and magnanimous man or woman.  

With the unified knowledge worldview kept hidden or unknown or denied discord ensues.  The essence of the universe is harmony.  Consciousness requires the harmony of motivation, judgment and responsibility.  Consequently, every individual must determine their destiny.  This is the moment of awakening to and self-endorsement of the inner recognition and truth of one’s own sovereign and divine nature.   

There is a spiritual war going on and has been for millennia.  It is time to rally around the unified knowledge worldview that is based upon the essential relations ontological system.  The benefit of mutually minded community greatly aids the potential for individuals to awaken and thrive.  We must promote community organization to promote coherent memory alignment, spinoff technologies, integrated education, universal language, and ethical and spiritual comprehension.

Community cooperation can help individuals learn to connect with their spiritual source and to tap into its power.   With that in play, humanity transcends to a higher plane of awareness and potential.  Affiliation, benevolence, generosity and affinity will abound and civilization will nurture the values of Justice, Liberty and Equality.  Once the evil-minded and degraded of humanity are dethroned and held accountable, everyone flourishes.