By Anna Von Reitz

Dear John F. Kennedy, Junior — if that’s who you truly are:
The only “thousands dead” are those harmed by DEW weapons and EM pollution and chemtrails and Pandemic bioweapons and weather warfare and poisons in our food and water and wars-for-profit dumped on us by both sides of an illegal mercenary conflict in which both sides owe us “good faith service” and take their paychecks from our pockets.
That’s how we look at this. A gross, long-term, institutionalized breach of trust and fraud scheme perpetrated by senior bureaucrats, public employees, political party capos and officers of foreign corporations that are Successors to Constitutional contracts that they have evaded, dishonored, misrepresented and usurped upon for well over a century.
Whether Trump was cheated out of an election four years ago is not the real issue. The real issue is the 157 years between 1863 and 2020, plus the last four years of Biden’s totally criminal rampage. We’ve looked and we have seen the betrayal of the top ranks of our military apparatus as well as the vicious breaches of trust carried out against us by members of the Federal Civil Services — and we have proof that both these “services” acting under The Constitution of the United States of America and The Constitution of the United States, respectively, have colluded with each other against us, their employers, since 1937.
And whether it was Federal Reserve Notes or United States Notes, they are still Promissory Notes drawn on our credit and against our assets without our knowledge or permission.
The now $154 billion dollars of our credit that the Biden Administration has squandered on the Ukraine Proxy War in the past four years is just one example of how the world has been reduced to ruin for the unjust enrichment of criminals, and then, the fault for all this vicious aggression has been blamed on the victims — the American people, who have been lied to and deceived throughout.
That’s the real skinny. The Truth. And now the only question is why isn’t the U.S. Military carrying out their contractual obligation to protect this country and its people?
When we see them arresting the bankers responsible, the Federal Reserve and the International Monetary Fund and the Bank for International Settlements and the whole Nest of Central Bank Vipers who have facilitated all this fraud and theft from this country and many others, we will start trusting and supporting the U.S. Military again.
When we see Joe Biden and his Administration and a majority of the members of the usurping Congress in jail, we will weigh in.
When we see our borders closed, our money back home supporting our own people, and peace at last, we will consider the duty of the U.S. Military well done.
Joe Biden isn’t the “President” of this country and has no state immunity; he should be under arrest for Impersonating The President of The United States of America, influence peddling, treason, fraud, misprision of treason, breach of trust, promoting public insurrection (2020 riots), election fraud and a whole lot more. Start there.
No “narrative” is needed or wanted. No demonization of anyone is needed. Tell the truth, which all by itself, unvarnished and unspun, is bad enough.
The government of the people of this country has spoken. We declared peace and raised the peacetime flag years ago. We also fully informed military and civilian leaders of the Great Fraud and the attendant evils our country and the world has suffered as a result of this fraud. We have sued in the Highest Courts on Earth for redress for ourselves and everyone else impacted by these Gross Breaches of Trust and Service Contracts.
This does not require any revolution, no political struggle at all. All it requires is for the U.S. Military to honor its contract with us and assist us in putting an end to these High Crimes and Misdemeanors.
Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
December 11th 2024