Hello dear Dane,
These mages show landscape river rocks with white blobs of sandy grains solidly glued together. Blobs are very hard and also difficult to remove from those stones. They were all located within inches of the East-facing wall of our house. Location at the east edge of Mojave Desert.
The origins of those blobs might be also be the similar to my experience a few years ago. I woke up one night by something slimy coming into my mouth. It looked much like crushed our ½″ +- landscape mulch. I placed it on the vanity counter and in the morning it was dry. I pushed on it, and it blew apart. I saved the pieces and sand in a small glass. Later, I showed it to an ear doctor, an MD and a dentist. They could not guess what it might be.
Thank you all the hard hours and years that you have spent.

Must be from Nano Meteor Showers.