I’ll try posting this here. Perhaps someone will consider the information provided, This procedure was a quick cure for my vertigo I happened to discover in the middle of the night having awoken with vertigo. Vertigo has become a widespread and common disorder. It had never to me happened before or since and I am compelled to pass my cure on:
Around three years ago I awoke in the middle of the night with vertigo - seeing my bedroom walls and objects before me pass repeatedly side to side from my right to my left. I turned to lie on my back and instinctively placed my right hand sideways, so I could still see the spinning background, 5 to 6 inches in front of the middle of my face, in front of my nose. My hand was not spinning, just the background. Then, while keeping my head stationary I moved my hand and eyes as far to the right as I could and still see my hand. Then, with my eyes still fixated on my hand and the background, I moved my hand, and eyes from the right to the left along with and at the same speed as the spinning background returning my hand and eyes to the original position in front of my face. I then moved my hand again to the right and repeated the action no more than 4 times, if I recall correctly, it didn’t take much. The background had very soon slowed down, thus so did my hand and eye movements and soon the spinning ceased as if brakes had been gently applied to the spinning walls and objects.
I looked up the causes of Parkinson’s disease and this makes perfect sense.
I had a painful hip disorder and sought the services of a chiropractor. He helped greatly whereas a traditional medical practitioner’s recommendation and recommended treatment (physical therapy) had made matters worse. During my office visit with the chiropractor, I asked him about my left or right leg occasionally, suddenly jerking usually in the middle of the night. The spasm would occur then stop for a few minutes then repeat again and again. This spasmodic condition would wake me up and keep me awake in the middle of the night. I would eventually cease yet return a week or so later. The chiropractor said that it was an age-related nerve degeneration disorder. He adjusted my spine from my neck to my hips with the intent of treating my hip pain. This is not a comfortable treatment but I had sought the services of a chiropractor years before and in both cases it really helped.
What I was not expecting is that the leg spasms, (sometimes quite extreme and would curl my toes as well) ceased. It then returned, though less severely, months later. So I got up out of bed, went into the bathroom and while holding onto the side of my bathroom counter swiveled my hips round and round clockwise then counterclockwise and would keep up the movement where the cracking in my spine was quite apparent. The cracking was considerable and disconcerting but I kept at it until it nearly ceased. No more leg or toe spasms. The condition, though much less severely, on occasion still presents itself perhaps once every six months. Now I just swivel my hips around, back and forth or or side to side at an angle while in bed, find where the cracking mostly occurs (not nearly as extreme as at the chiropractor’s office or the first couple of times I manipulated my spine at home while standing) and repeat that particular motion till the cracking completely or mostly subsides.
I believe that untreated vertebral pressure on the central nervous system leads to advanced Parkinson’s uncontrollable full body spasms. I saw not long ago an interview with Michael J. Fox and this is what he is now experiencing - it was heartbreaking to see him in that condition. Here I’ll add, once half my face spasmodically jerked sideways which has never happened again.
I would not recommend this do-it-yourself treatment for someone who has back problems.