Hi Ken Bartle,
I totally get the total maze of opinions and potential solutions of solutions, history, Natural Law, etc., and how it becomes a total maze of confusion and indirect solutions.
My sense of it all, is the following:
- Everything today is essentially Commercial. That means Creditor and Debtor, executed in the general format of Trusts, where you have a Creator who owns the Asset (Creditor), to give down to the Beneficiary (next Creditor), and managed by the Trustee. This means that in order to create ANY real solution, you have to get out of the Debtor role and move into the Creditor one.
- Everything becomes obligatory through ‘Consent’, and thus if we do not consent to become the Debtor, and know how to act out of it to become the Creditor, then our words and actions can mostly precede all prior contracts and agreements. All that said, we still have to clearly know what we have defaulted into, so that we can make our lives simpler in extracting ourselves out of it.
- Thus, as much as I like the foundation of Natural Law, and try to stay out of the Commercial-UCC side of things, that may be the most effective path through this maze.
It drives me nuts that we have lets say 20 good teachers out there with about 300 different opinions and solutions and never seem to agree to one easy path for most folks to make sense of, and clearly that they ALL require a decent level of study and conviction to make it all stick.
Each one seems to think that they are the ultimate answer of the world, whether it be AVR, David Straight, Mark Pasio, Mark Pytellic, Russell-Jay:Gould, and many more, and yet I would LOVE to stick them all in 1 room and tell them to figure out all out and create a real system that works for each Nation and the globe.
I personally try to relate it to what exactly is the foundational premise (asset) of their approach, their alignment with the ‘spiritual-conceptual’ geometry that they are using (balanced or not), and then when in time did that anchor exist, so that we know what we have to go back to and what all we must undo.
I do not like the idea of just throwing away all that we have, for if we do not know exactly what it all is, and correctly de-construct it, it will undoubtedly rear its ugly head sometime down the road as we did not do our due diligence in removing the rot before putting forth our new construction.
Then there is the discussion of the ‘White’ hats. Who are they and what truly is their plan? or do they have a real plan?, and how do any of our so called Teacher-Experts really fit in to the end result?
The fact that everything is currently Corporate, and corporate because it was most likely designed to be the façade to look like the original, so there must have been some original already in place, that means that we can get a LOT of leverage by just forcing them to abide by their own codes and statutes before we even look at the ‘State National’ process for any actions.
The final thing is that it may not make sense for us to try to create our final solution in our next single round, as we have a LOT of education to deliver, and globe to cleanup. We may need to look at this process of correction as something to be done in phases, such as Current Phase of destruction, Recognition Phase of stasis, and correction, and Final Phase of ultimate long term stability. I think that this makes the most sense, as I do not see any of us smart enough to go from current to final inside of one generation. The question then is, How do we maintain our integrity of what we see today throughout the correction process so that it does not get derailed again.
As you stated, Consciousness is fundamental anchor of everything, as is the Unified Field, and its natural bias towards benevolent creation vs destruction. Thus I see that our true force is that of Prayer, Meditation, and Positive Visualization aligned w/the Unified Field, and thus able to leverage all of our capability with that of the Universe and its own natural bias for us vs against us. This is where I see the real key, and each of our personal path’s will be slightly different in this picture, but together hopefully it will all work.
I am not professing any one answer, as I do not have any, but I do know that from a systems engineering standpoint, they all MUST have a design, plan and structural-financial geometry that makes sense, and getting lost in the various lingo’s of it all just makes it word salad and useless (not to add personal ego-attachments for even greater color and amusement’s). Thus having some type of Genuine Discussion of them all from a systemic background and intelligent review is what I see as being necessary, and currently the Creditor-Debtor-Trust model is the only thing that makes sense to normalize all of the conversations of how each approach fits and resolves the distortions that have taken place over our human ‘civilized’ time.
Thanks for a great discussion,