Could be of great importance! Therefore, it must be ignored. This week’s new local social site posts may indicate what might be delivering white blobs from the sky. And possibly many more everywhere.
Most recently, several people posted that they had drones hovering over or near their homes. Generally, all people have various waves and intensities of brain fog. That is one cause of why they would not notice much of anything.
Plus dumming and dumping down America:
Plus, no one posts anything of real meaningful importance or uniqueness here. Plus that is a heavily censored and controlled social site. Example > A few months ago, someone placed the first chemtrail post on that site. Not long thereafter, the Schnauzer Sheepdog, Mayor, removed it with the comment - “I am the liaison for xxxxx. Let’s not talk about conspiracy theories.” Those trite, but effective words are the political leadership’s effective method of shutting down important discussions about the evil they have and are causing.