This is the only poem I have ever written. It offers a brief glimpse on my life. I tried, but could not format he correct line spacing of the Cut/Paste text.
I and the public know what all school children learn
those to whom evil is done do evil in return.
In his poem, September 1, 1939; weeks before Baby Boy’s birth,
did Auden dismiss terrified toddlers might develop a propensity for mirth?
Ma and Pa committed the most deadly of all possible sins, ensuring him to fail
Even so, he passively grew tall and strong while no one ever landed in jail.
Uncles forced him to suffer in loneliness with mice and unstable dynamite.
What guided his trauma-locked consciousness during his decades of fright?
Near-deaths, floggings, homelessness, hunger and years of hard-labor slavery
caused misconceptions about his relentless patience, honesty and bravery.
His imagination soared from hundreds of books while he quietly suffered.
Did mindless walk-abouts in Nature keep his soul from being too battered?
The panoply of to whom evil is done slowly cracked from unbearable pains.
Seeding spirituality and a growing intuition to propel his miraculous gains.
Discernment and Universal Connections are enhancing his Blessedness.
Did God give that deprived one strength to overcome Learned Helplessness?
Divine guidance led his transition from shyness to becoming ever bolder.
Wonderment surmounted onslaughts on his wellness while growing older.
His symptoms drew “It’s all in your head” diagnoses until he wanted to die.
Doctors kept puzzling them but were not searching for the How and Why?
An unknown Angel phoned him to say: Chemicals are making you sick!
He quickly grasped the seriousness of the global distorted-science-pandemic.
His longing for wholesomeness empowered him to grow purest nutrition,
adding decades before his undertaking with an embalming mortician?
His compassionate ministry desires to share his lessons with a forgiving spirit.
Once with a disturbed “reverend” who became too nervous to hear it,
the secret of avoiding the present Human Collapse Disease-Disorder death.
Why did life-saving tips cause “You scare me!” and not under his breath?
Do you know that toxins and belief entrapments cause people to suffer?
Do you reject the wisdom gained from the hell this Old Man has to offer?
Do you agree God strengthened him so he would not go insane or die?
A Public Speaker, World Traveler, Spiritual Care Visitor, Who am I?
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What a beautiful, poignant poem of death and resurrection of the soul. Thank you for sharing. ~ J. Gilmore
Your “Baby Boy Resurrected” poem really touched me…. I feel I have so much to learn from you. ~ Terry B.
…thought-provoking and hauntingly beautiful, … ~ Anonymous