I had learned of project Blue Beam, a faked alien invasion, 10 or more years ago in a talk online by a woman who worked closely with Wernher Von Braun, a Nazi rocket scientist brought to the US after WW2 as part of Operation Paperclip. The woman worked with and became a close confidant of his and while in the hospital during his final weeks of life in 1977, he asked her to expose a future plan called Project Blue Beam - a faked alien invasion..
First of all, ETs have no need for little propellers on their air or space crafts. In Boulder while on an evening stroll with a friend, and I alone on another occasion in Boise, have seen anti gravity craft. In boulder a huge (as large as a commercial airplane) black triangular space craft silently coasted over our heads at a low altitude. While participating in the Cosmology Group in Boulder, the astrophysicist who led the group told me that the military have these craft confirming that it was an anti gravity craft. Here in Boise, a (roughly) 4′ X 6′ X 3′ solid black rectangular box (actually I now think it was larger but I’m a poor judge of size and distance) flew directly at me from a couple of miles distance during a bike ride and when I stopped, it stopped at around 20 feet directly over my head and stayed motionless and suspended in the air with its front end tilted toward me. After a few minutes, I rode off and did not look back. I thought, and still do, that it was manmade. I also decided at the time not to stare at the front end of it. That’s important - I believe I made the correct decision. Creepy WEF Yuval Harari and others report of uploading human consciousnesses into the MS and Google Clouds. I had read in Edgar Mitchell’s book and elsewhere that this technology was being developed.
As well, years ago, I had learned of 3-D hologram projections into a gas. And, of course, the Earth’s atmosphere is a gas. This would explain some of the other than drone space craft being observed and recorded.
I do believe that ETs are present here and have been for … well, certainty since when my family and neighbors in Walnut Creek observed a spacecraft over Mt. Diablo with their own eyes and through a telescope in 1966. My brother recently reminded me that two jet fighter planes approached it and it took off. I was not with my family at the time. A friend and I observed a cluster of several relatively small white orbs flying around each other, like insects, high in the sky above during daylight in Boulder while attending the Boulder Fair. I’ve personally experienced a couple of other ET incidents. It is likely that ETs been visiting Earth for at least over 100 years and they’ve yet to destroy humanity.
I’m not afraid of any of this BS. Hopefully it will expose the arrogant, insane and power hungry individuals and organizations involved in all the lying, terrorizing and worse of humanity.
I’ve never been a follower of David Icke but he’s spot on here.