There are many reasons why I am greatly indebted to you and Kimberly.
Many years ago, you had the initial singular insight as to who I might be. About that time, I asked you if I could have been in a state of “walking meditation.” I had always blown off mediation and New Age as quackery but thought of those two words: One of my many out of nowhere "blinks’ that turn out to become reality and various times in the future.
You answered my walking meditation question close to this: “You could have.” Those few words lit my unending obsession to keep intuitively and unwittingly enlarging my perspective, spreading into unending more of such. Like a bloodhound, even sniffing through many phone book white and yellow pages to intuit the how, who and what’s while having to kill time here and there.
Only a few years ago, I realized that I was locked into life-long a Stockholm Syndrome and a Satori state. What I experienced and learned, and not regret, could be made into what some of my readers have said many years ago, “ made into a movie series.”
I could only have come this far with spiritual guidance and protection. Especially, because people who had near-death experiences and/or spiritually transformative experiences have different realities and are often dismissed and despised by worldly fleshy people. Therefore, many cannot deal with such and have a higher suicide rate.
I have two massive Webinar transcript about The Electric Body. as well as others.