Searching this article for “chemtrails” showed no results, only “Voluntary” Mind boggling:
So I did them a favor. I added a Comment about that subject around post. This is a modified draft of it that would have been Post 187:
What about chemtrails? The skies used to get very blue. Now they get whitish-blue at best. For about 4 years I have been observing repeating short-term patterns of local weather changes. More than once, I have seen aircraft fly at about 35000 feet with one of them leaving a long trail, while the other identical aircraft showed none. l keep seeing “clear” sky and clouds changes form definite patterns, many of them can be on viewed at
I have taken more than 1000 photos of the sky formations, clouds, chemtrails and planes. My thoughts have frequently been, I wonder to where that cloud layer is being moved to, to cause drought or downpour disasters somewhere.
Sometimes one can easily detect the effects of striations HAARP lineation’s in the cloud cover.
The almost daily sun rises as such a fiery radiating streaming disk that is blinding. I see evermore people wearing sunglasses. Old Natives in various countries used to intentionally look at the rising sun for its benefits.
Waiting for Approval.
Within about 10minutes it disappeared.