Prelude: Albert said that The only source of knowledge is experience. I am using that “nasty” word because my American church-dipping Bullshit Christians actually forced my sink up to my knees in real live fresh soggy Escherichia coli bull shit for more than two years when I was 17 and never allowed me to bathe or shower.
They even endangered my life by ordering me to lead their mean horny Holstein bull, with bigger balls than mine, and with 20 foot chain punched though its nostrils, for a mile down a lonely highway, while I was pondering why he did not like that. Dozens of “open cows” were lined up along along the roadside fence; blaring and slobbering. I did not blame Big Balls for getting madder than a nest of hornyts.
Bought you as a public Service by Flybynighters. The shearing of Drollywool lambs:
The higher and stinky-er the Bullshit gets piled, the more difficult it is to find buried Truth. I did not even have dig into this pile, because Trump announced this new German ambassador as a detracting sideshow: