External verification of the activities that have disturbed for decades:
The Life Force of Light
Light is 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 times stronger than gravity, and controls all matter with its electromagnetic force. Yet much of western science pretends that it does not exist.3 In the words of Arthur Firstenberg , “this is now having terminal consequences for life on Earth. The consequences for life are being blamed on microorganisms. The consequences for the environment are being blamed on climate change.”
Why does western science underestimate the power of light?
For aeons, humanity and scientists alike ascribed to the notion of élan vital, or life force. However, when the microscope arrived in 1620, Sir Frances Bacon came along and gave our intuition a crushing blow. Bacon believed that our five senses were not to be trusted, and that rigorous experiments manipulating nature would need to be conducted to prove our daily experience wrong. Whatever people could not ascribe to rational causes was chalked up to “the quintessence.”
Of the five elements of earth, water, air, fire, and aether, the fifth element, also