USAF OIG COMPLAINT - Need to identify and stop drone flights over WNC.
Re: Dangerous Ground Penetrating Radar (?) Drone Overflights – Western North Carolina
Dear USAF IG Representative:
Right now, the US Dept of Defense is performing drone overflights in Western North Carolina. There is some type of radar coming from these drones and it is affecting the population on the ground. We suspect that these flights are Ground Penetrating Radar collecting data on Western North Carolina mineral deposits (Lithium, Quartz and rare earth metals).
I need to talk to the person or team responsible for these overflights and let them know that the population on the ground is being harmed. Three days ago, a friend in Shelby, NC (Cleveland County) near the Lithium deposits, had a very large military drone fly over his house. He experienced chest pains and heart palpitations so severe that he made a doctor’s appointment for the next day and was diagnosed with extremely low blood oxygen. Low blood oxygen is an indicator that these drones are emitting dangerous levels of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) onto the population.
I have called:
NC Senator Timothy Moffit – Left message.
NC Representative Jake Johnson – Assistant will pass on the message.
NC DEQ HQ – Energy Division – Assistant will pass on the message.
NC DEQ HQ – Sushma Mazemore – Assistant will pass on the message.
NC DEQ Mining & Energy Division – Left msgs with two engineering staffers.
NC DHHS – Radiation Protection Division – Main# not answered. Emergency number responded and took a report to send to the NC Emergency Management Division at the Cleveland County Level (the Shelby incident).
NC DHHS – Radiation Protection Division – Found someone in the ionizing radiation department who will see if he can find a department that can follow up.
NC DEQ Asheville Office – Nice but does not perceive EMR pollution as their job yet.
USAF – Seymour Johnson AFB Security Desk - – Drones do fly out of this air base. I spoke with Private Figuerola 919-722-1212. The Base Operator number is non-functional and perpetually busy because “no one is over there.” Drones do fly out of Seymour Johnson AFB, but Pvt. Figuerola refused to let me speak to the flight director to confirm that the GPR Drone flights are or are not originating at Seymour Johnson AFB. She actually hung up on me when I asked for the “flight director.” the first time. I called back after being disconnected and she recited the same excuse and said, “there is no one I can transfer you too.” Because this was a lie, and there are plenty of people at Seymour Johnson AFB that she could transfer me to, I explained that under the US Constitution she works for me, and is supposed to protect me. Helping citizens in their time of need is her duty. She hung up on me a second time.
The Pentagon - Left one message for a Public Affairs Specialist who may or may not still be there. Left two messages on the main Press office number: [703-571-3343 Opt 5](tel:703-571-3343%20%20Opt%205) Nobody called back.
* * *
Today is Day 152 since weather modified hurricane Helene created a mass casualty event in Western North Carolina, Tennessee, and South Carolina with an estimated 10,000 fatalities. This region is not ready for intrusions by the Federal government in any form. The anger the population feels towards the prospects of the US DoD contract for $90 million to expand Lithium mining in Kings Mountain and Quartz mining in Spruce Pine is palpable.
FEMA left a trail of communist-type bureaucratic abuse that will never be forgotten, and we are still trying to understand why 3-4 ‘Lily Pad’ supply depots have been established on our soil pretending to be FEMA housing.
Adding insult to injury, our own former State Governor Roy Cooper tried to hide this mass casualty event by publishing fraudulent fatality counts through the NC Dept of Public Safety. The pretzel logic he used was that the NC State Medical Examiner’s Office had to confirm that the body perished in the hurricane… which is so ridiculous that the harmed population was actually further traumatized. To this day, the NC DHHS fraudulently states on it’s website that 106 people died.
Within weeks, Governor Roy Cooper was recorded suggesting that damaged cities and towns should turn themselves over to the State government for management at the first opportunity. The bitterness this created has only been increased by the failure of the NC General Assembly, to take some of the state’s massive $5 Billion budget surplus and just grant recovery funds to Western North Carolina cities and towns. But that would defeat the purpose of transferring land management from the people to the state for exploitation by the US Military.
Please advise how we can get these drone overflights stopped before they kill someone.
02/28/25 Last night I sent this write up to the NC Attorney General Jeff Jackson via e-form as a formal complaint. Not one person got back to me the day after my previous contact. This is how communistic governments behave. If you want to see a really good movie about a communist government destroying people in today’s time, watch the award winning movie: Leviathan.