Just another means, and indication that most life on earth is over. Does not disturb me personally, because I already traveled several times into the Universe. Those travels bestowed me with many blessings, some of which I do not want, because I "see too much.'
On or most likely before 2011, I stated this on my web site:
“In contrast to earlier times, now hardly a month goes by when I do not I learn of one, two or more people that I personally know, or know of, that have, or had, cancer or some other modern-day illness. Up into my middle age I also never had learned of such and now some of them are epidemic and beginning at an ever younger age. The progression of such illnesses as well as the emergence of new ones can be summarized as Human Collapse Disorder (HCD).”
Later a changed that expression to, Human Collapse Disorder-Diseases. HCD-D That effort has been mostly a waste of time and effort, because by that time most people were already creatively dumbed down and philanthropically loaded with poisons. That brainlessness has now become so tragic that I to have my mouth surgically shut, to prevent getting wacked.
Another shrinking of food supply: