Foster, perhaps you’ll give the information presented in the article in the link below. What ever the cause of this or that serious concern or who or what is to blame we need to focus on healing. That’s our only hope. Humanity is in a dire state and the only way out is to start thinking outside the box. I’ve studied the miraculous experience for a long time due to my own miraculous experiences and the many legitimate reports of others both in current and historical times. Mainstream science has ignored these gifts, considering them fraudulent or outright stupid and not worth their attention. Another field of interest of mine has been the extraordinary qualities of water, including its potential for healing. In the link below, a page on my website, I look into both - what enables miracles and how water can facilitate healing and I especially mentioned the epidemic of autism in the young we are now confronted with and how an autistic child might be cured. It’s not brief and many will glance at it, see the pictures and derogatorily label the information as ‘new agey’ and give it no more of their time. But it’s well worth reading and pondering, or better yet, giving the healing, any needed healing, suggestion a try. You are free to do what ever you want, if anything, with the information, in whole or part, in the article.
The page is titled: How Miraculous Events Occur and Water’s Role in Creation: