I agree. I have labeled this summer “the Summer of Discontent,” as I’ve been suffering from 2 separate clusters of symptoms–one cluster allergy-like, the other cluster arthritic in nature in my hands, but primarily in my left thumb, this week spread to my right thumb, but I have nipped the problem in the right thumb in the bud, I think. I had to interrupt healing my hands two weeks in, because unbearable allergy symptoms surfaced. Those symptoms have subsided, and now I am back to healing my thumb again.
Bottom line, the understanding I am adding to my perspective on health, how to achieve and maintain it and how unfathomably backward Western healthcare is and has always been, is expanding exponentially, so I am beginning to develop my own protocol and frame of how to approach the body and how to treat it and its ailments–in fact, how to treat mental, emotional conditions as well as physical ones.
Allopathic medicine is absurd, and it’s a small wonder that Western medicine cures almost nothing and knows the cause of almost none of the health conditions that it is confronted with. I only turn to conventional healthcare to get a diagnosis (and they get that wrong often enough) and if I have beyond exhausted my own imagination, intellect and repertoire of spiritual tools in my toolkit.
Self-care and body-awareness are of utmost importance.