Why are we wasting time with the selection distraction?
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It would be nice if there could be a smooth transition from the current path of this out of control, full speed ahead towards crash hell death spiral, and then into a voluntarist society with freedom, peace and prosperity.
Unfortunately that will not be the case, the timeline is advanced against us.
It is going to urgently require a fatal blow to the head and not a bruise to the heel of this beast system of death in order to set ourselves free.
Craig Johnson Craig, you are a highly intuitive realist and that is why many people do not like you very much; or worse. FTT bumbersticker word counts member contributions confirm that, with exceptions. My time can be much better spent somewhere else.
Not sure I understand what you are saying, but I’m open to clarification and understanding. I do know the if we are have the freedom to thrive, it will be after we have neutralized the current anti-civilization. My efforts on this site are to stimulate conversation towards this end. I know ultimately the rational solutions rest in mankind having a quantum leap in consciousness. Still the anti-civilization has to be nullified, by all means necessary. I will also admit it does seem awfully quite here on this site.
I think that the language you use should be a little less aggressive. I know what you mean. But some people are a little to literal. And can understand it as using aggressive force. And that would violate the non aggression and disarm law they speak of. In helping individuals to become self regulated.
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As far as energy island goes. As an main street investor I have read somewhere that, Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania is being restarted. Too feed the demand for data centers using AI. I just wish i could remember where i read it. To prove that it also called the soon to be, bought and restarted island “ENERGY ISLAND”..
Thank you Victor for responding, but just like before in my reply to labrat:
I’m not sure I understand what you are saying, but I’m open to clarification and understanding. please explain. I do know the if we are to have the freedom to thrive, it will be after we have neutralized the current anti-civilization. My efforts on this site are to stimulate conversation towards this end. I know ultimately the rational solutions rest in mankind having a quantum leap in consciousness. Still the anti-civilization has to be nullified, by all means necessary.
Just the part where you say “IIt is going to urgently require a fatal blow to the head and not a bruise to the heel” Is what I’m talking about. where people may take that literally and use aggression or hands on force. Instead of finding a way to disarm and hold responsible for there crimes against humanity. otherwise we are no different than the ones we are talking about. PEACFULL RESOLVE WILL BE DIFACULT BUT NOT IMPOSABLE. We are accomplishing that goal just buy talking and sharing. So [people can wake up and make there own contribution to source.
That is exactly what I’m talking about. In the 3rd video posted here, it talks about bill gates leaving in a plane that could not be tracked. and heading to a place called “Energy Island”. And he was Wondering where that place was. I’m saying that i read an article about Microsoft, and the nuclear energy center three mile island. And the story I read called three mile island by a new name “Energy Island”. I’m saying maybe Gates was heading to three mile, but now called it energy island.
Again I thank you for your willingness to engage in the conversation. The fatal blow to the head refers to the total elimination of the anti-civilization we currently find ourselves trapped in.
And YES, aggressive hands on force is often very necessary in self-defense, and make no mistake, war is actively being waged against us (you and me), and it will continue until we fight back with enough counter/defensive force to stop it.
Peaceful resolve is also a large part of it, but when being attacked it is not usually enough (look around).
I prefer peaceful/rational interaction with all, but I wont/don’t always get what i want and as a firearms and martial arts instructor I help people prepare to defend themselves by any means necessary.
I to am very divers in firearm’s safety, and use of a deadly weaponed. I truly Love to hunt for my families food also. I am Good with a compound bow, and crossbow too. And I also carry a concealed pistol.
And I can totally relate to the use of deadly force in self defense. We do have the right to defend and protect ourselves and others that can not defend themselves. I mean it is a natural law to do so. The way I see it, is weather man law permits or not.
I’m not disagreeing with you at all. And there will be a time where we will need to do so in the very near futter.. So with you being a martial artist you can totally disarm and detain before force. Although I know force may be necessary more often than not.
P.S Thank you very much for starting the conversation. And I appreciate you for the reply and allowing me to explain myself. PEACE AND LOVE BE IN YOU. GOD SPEED.