English is my 3rd language. What you read should be read not with the eyes and brain interpretation only!
Make sure your heart filters my words 1st before your brain interprets you the emotions and feelings I am trying to convey, within my words!
Now… we can begin.
As an alien spirit who came out of this planet I was naturally observant. As I grew up, I thought everyone was like myself!
Empathetic, sympathetic, caring, peace loving meaning conflict resolving!
As I have grown up in a multi cultural environment whiles moving between from one country to another country; I observed that despite the language differences, location differences, cultural-social-habitual and also traditional differences at their base every human, pardon me “most or majority of humans” live their lives with the same wishes;
*To have a safe shelter & food
*To live in peace and harmony in their surroundings
*And not to outlive their children!
And then I saw the problem!
If everyone on this planet wants (let’s call this) #WorldPeaceWithinMyLifetime then why has the world not have achieved it, still? So many government people from all over the world keep “talking about it” … and some do more than to speak! They actually take action!
And then I saw again; a pattern!
Peace activists whoever they are; musicians, politicians, businessmen, actors, artists, regular man & regular woman… they can be or are. And interestingly the pattern emerges that they are targeted and then they are silenced! This way or that way!
Then a question emerged;
“Who/m &/or what is silencing them?”
Who or what group with what kind of agenda was behind this coordinated effort that has the capability to do this steadfast for over millennia?
Then another picture emerged! And it looks like this;
Imagine a blank canvas! And imagine this canvas is a 3D canvas that has actually a dept to it which is “time”!
So when you look at the canvas as it would be hanging on a wall of a gallery and from whatever angle you can look at it, you can see what happened before the picture in the foreground came to be.
On this canvas imagine there are soap bubbles. All sorts of different sizes. Some interact with each other in a cluster, some are not and some are in pairs or triplets and they are scattered all over the place.
Now imagine they all are connected with a thin thread to one another which renders them in a network! And let’s imagine that the thread is connected in each bubble to a specific point! At each bubble it connects to the same point, ONLY! So the rest of the bubble is not aware of the existence of this thread connection at this specific point or this network the thread connects to.
Each of the bubble represents the following;
Businesses; like corporations small or large scale. From local businesses to the ones that are looking at the world as their entire market place!
Politicians; local and federal government “servants”. Whose belly cord are attached to business corporations and their shareholders or executives; for their campaign contributions!
Non-Elected officials, executives; who’s decisions effect millions of people’s!
Law makers / Legislators: Who re-write or manipulate existing laws in order to benefit the “system”… while they are geared to take a more “punish the people” aim, people who tend to step “out of the line”…
To Be Continued….