Dear Foster, Do remember Human Collapse Diseases-Disorder (HCD-D)? I do not like to divulge the following, because it can be very stressful.
I had too many sudden prophetic insights to ignore them, because they became recognizable reality at later times.
The US has been intentionally dumbed down since the Sputnik era. Its language has been morphed to serve political agendas. Core of old-time, ancient wellness knowledge had been eroded down to its present state. The main driving means behind downward trends have been revisionism, disinformation and means of threatening. Example of that, search the ever-present sticky in-your-face top listed global encyclopedic information site of Internet searches, etc., for “homeopathy.” Its alternative list of natural methods of healing has been flipped 180 disagrees from what used to be accepted as truth.
Have arrived far beyond of the point of no return? Or what will reverse this situation?>
The only way the world can soon reverse its present path is through the “blessings” of the Universe. That possibility might exist because of what is diagrammatically shown in this book: