Thank you for your insightful and astute comments, Celestine.
I do have a general plan. It is not from the Top Down for implementation. It is Top Down for individual understanding and verification.
Here is a general statement addressing your completely valid concerns.
The teachings of Pythagorus and Aristotle reflect echoes of Truth from beyond 10,000 years ago, . Pythagorus provided hints related to mathematics and geometry. They include the simple circle formula (A squared plus B squared equals C squared) and the right triangle theorem. Meanwhile, Aristotle related hints of epistemology such as: the essential unit of classification is the Principle of Four Causes - Formal, Material, Efficient, Final. These simple truths combine in the expansion of binomial probability and the Pascal Triangle. The 4-D Tesla-Roden-Varon model of the cosmic plenum reveals the Source of the Toroidal Flower of Life of The Logos (The Sacred Intrinsic Order).
This is the underlying, fundamental intrinsic order of Truth, of Reality. It can be gained and kept only by individual proces sing and understanding from each unique, individual perspective. This ancient traditional knowledge was lost in antiquity. However, it can NEVER be destroyed. This is eternal, universal, generalized, essential Truth. All of reality is encompassed and subordinated to this cosmological order known as the Unified Field of Energy or Universal Consciousness. Since everything inherits this intrinsic harmony, those moments that it is out of balance are proscribed and reversable.
Individuals acting in disregard, ignorance or defiance of the LOGOS (Order) puts Humanity at risk of destruction. However, as DEFENDER OF TRUTH AND JUSTICE, mankind is able to co-create prosperity, abundance and live in harmony with the Universe and its inhabitants. This potential for Benevolence carries the responsibility to reform Education so that it consistently explicates and elucidates the unity of knowledge. The task of every individual is to entrain their memory for coherent meaning identification and representation.
Celestine, The highlighted statements clearly present the only way that the Truth is attained, kept and applied. This evolves by one individual’s mind at a time, becoming coherently connected. Individual initiative to process the Essential Relations Ontology one unit after the other is the only way that The Logos gains adherents. My efforts are directed to provide a master class to assist this learning and common grounds for cooperation and collaboration. I have been at this knowledge integration endeavor privately for 47 years. The time has come to engage others who understand and appreciate the power of knowledge. I intend to find those who have gained recognition as a conscientious Truth seeker and thus have influenced many to listen and learn from them. I have spoken with Foster at length and he already assists in the promotion of the Unified Knowledge Worldview. The other side of knowledge integration are the advanced technologies that spin off of it. The work on these technologies requires a multitude of experts from wide ranging areas of science and engineering. With the investment and personnel for these projects a new dawn of prosperity is waiting in the wings.
Celestine I am happy to entertain any additional thoughts or concerns about my implementation intentions.