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The Problem
There is a powerful force that’s getting in the way of our thriving.
The External Authority Cult threatens all of humanity!
...by means of deception
Bee & Human Colony Collapse Diseases-Disorder
Why are we wasting time with the selection distraction?
We cannot let this happen again?
Still allowing the criminals behind the 911 crime to exist among us?
The Joys of Killing Children
Collections from Swiss-based UNCUT-NEWS
School shootings, anti-cult, Ukraine-Russia war – What's the connection?
So many laws so you can't do anything. How do you handle it?
No need for nuclear weapons
Lost Control of Everything during HCD-D
Very Traumatic: I was born into World's greatest Hellstorm
Collective Guilt Bullshit
Truth vs. Individual Perspective Of Truth are not the same!
Most problems of any significance cannot be solved anymore
Long "Scientific" Treatise of Earth Caused Climate Change
The Chance for All Survival is Zero
Religious, political confusion and distortions
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